
Joan Dreyer resides in Vienna, Virginia, where she maintains a studio in her home. She is a full time professional artist who in May 2008 completed a Master of Fine Arts degree from Tyler School of Art/Temple University in Philadelphia, PA.
Themes explored by Ms. Dreyer include loss and associated grief, the mystery of symbols, the process of transformation, and the fine line between patriotism and propaganda. The work takes many forms, from three-dimensional freestanding objects to contemporary art quilts. The artist uses both hi-tech and traditional tools – hand stitching with needle and thread merges with digital photography and printing. Her imagery is often an integration of abstraction and realism that renders the work both provocative and sensual.
The artist has taught as an adjunct professor at Tyler School of Art/Temple University in Philadelphia, PA and at Kean University in Union, NJ. Ms. Dreyer was awarded a New Jersey Individual Fellowship Award in January 2009 and was an Executive Board Member for FiberPhiladelphia 2012. The artist has work in the collection of the Fuller Craft Museum and is currently a member of the Washington Sculptors Group.